+44 (0) 1684 271290 | sales@t2alloys.com
The Submarine Manufacturing & Products Ltd Diver Wet Bell Launch & Recovery system is specifically designed to provide a compact option to the standard launch and recovery systems offered by their competitors.
The Challenge
The wet bell is designed to accommodate 3 divers. The wet bell will be configured with an acrylic dome mounted on a strong tubular frame connecting to the base plate. At each corner of the wet bell there will be a 50 ltr high pressure emergency gas storage cylinder. In total there will be 4 installed on the wet bell; each pair of cylinders will be independently piped with manifolds internally to the wet bell system. These cylinders will act as the emergency supply for all divers and the bell. This manifold will allow for the pressurization of the dome.
The Diver Mixed Gas Diving & Bell Control Panel is designed for controlling and monitoring 3 working divers at different depth and breathing different gas mixes. The panel accommodates 4 different HP diving gases, plus 4 x HP air supplies, primary supply and / or emergency back-up supply. There is also a crossover valve in order to allow air/mixed gas to pass from Diver 1, 2 and 3 to wet bell, if required and vice versa. The depth gauges are 0-100 metres (330 feet) dual scale, mirror dial, 0.25% accuracy. Pressure indicating gauges are provided for all inlet / outlet of all mixed gas and HP air supplies.
The Tungum Solution
The panel is built into an aluminium case for easy mounting inside a dive control space. All pipework will be Tungum and the fittings brass / stainless steel.
Tungum is used as SMP need a proven product which would perform continually and reliably in this demanding safety critical application.