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The charts show how Tungum alloy performs at elevated temperatures. We are particularly looking to see if the UTS levels at 250˚C or 480˚F are affected.
Tungum alloy satisfies many low temperature and cryogenic applications. The mechanical properties of the alloy all improve with a reduction in temperature, down to as low as – 196°c. The impact resistance also remains substantially unchanged over the same temperature range.
As would be expected of a material originally developed for use in hydraulic control systems of aircraft, Tungum alloy tubing has excellent fatigue resisting properties. Pulsing pressures and vibration are recognised as being a major factor influencing the integrity and performance of all hydraulic systems irrespective of the application. Bending of tubing is often carried out as part of the installation process . When you bend tube, the outer wall of the tube becomes thinner and the inner wall becomes thicker. The severity of this depends on the radius of curve and the angle set i.e. 45˚ or 90˚ bends. The tube also becomes oval due to the forming operation. The radius and the angle of the bend, the ovality of the tube and the mechanical properties of the tubing material, all influence its fatigue life.